Contest Rules
The Retro Hanukah 5779 Contest, which rewards children for positive actions in Shul, is running his second Retro Hanukkah contest. Its goal are to return us to Hanukkah’s spiritual roots, bring awareness and pride for Hashem’s gifts (our Jewish soul, spirit, and heritage), and inspire us to DREAM BIG and maximize our Jewish potential.
Examples of last year’s activities:
- Re-ignite your Jewish lights and sparks!
- Re-discover your powerful neshama and its capabilities l’shem Shamayim.
- FOCUS on the spiritual joys versus the physical pleasures of toys, presents,
- and Hanukkah foods.
- Being Kind to people.
- Thinking of the Hanukkah candles as our Jewish spirit and soul.
the Hanuka theme for this year’s contest, spiritual growth through positive energy and actions. Be a Maccabee, cut down on negative thoughts and channel your anger in a positive light. It will improve your health and connect you to Hashem. Studies show that anger can cause many health problems including depression, anxiety, digestive problems, heart attacks and more.
The Maccabees had every reason to be angry – their land, religion and heritage were being compromised by the Syrian Greeks! Instead of feeling despair and anger and allowing negativity to take over, the Maccabees channeled their anger to bond with Hashem, the creator of the world.
To enroll in the challenge, please email Mr. Gindi at before Hanukkah starts on December 2nd.
Contest Rules
Please email to first name, last name, email address and phone number &if you want to be added to the WhatsApp Hanuka chat. In the email, please list the actions you are taking to channel your anger in a positive light. It’s all based on the honor system. Please share with us your experiences via email or WhatsApp.
3 winners will be randomly selected. First prize is $500, second $300 and third $200.
Sample Maccabee positive actions: Choose as many as you like.
- During Hanukkah, please choose a set time every day where you will control your anger for 10 minutes. Your goal is to channel positive light through positive actions. If you succeed, you can enter the contest up to 8 times.
- When you feel angry, think about how our forefathers, the Maccabees handled their anger and try to avoid letting evils of anger enter your heart and body!
- Watch your angry words; count to 10 or walk out of the room before you say something you will regret. Words can cause much pain to your loved ones.
- and irreparable damage to your relationships.
- Don’t make it about yourself and take things personally. Give people the benefit of the doubt; maybe something negative is going on in their lives.
- The Gemara says to let your anger be your teacher. Take time to pause, be aware and determine what is triggering you.
For more detailed rules go to
Tizku L’Mitzvot!